Protocols and Procedures

Dear Friends:
We know you are concerned. We understand and because we care about your family we have gone to great lengths, as always, to provide the best care in the safest environment. We want you to know that you are safe in our practice.
We have always taken infection control seriously and follow all the CDC, ADA, OSHA Guidelines. After COVID-19 we have gone above and beyond what we are required to do. Here is important information you need to know.
It is important that you know the safety our PRIVATE ROOMS provide for your family as opposed to an open bay setting.
- They allow for social distancing.
- The aerosol particles produced during dental procedures are not shared from other patients to you and vice-versa through the use of our hospital grade filtration system.
- They allow your personal information to remain private following HIPAA standard.
- We have strict infection control guidelines that we follow in our office.
- EPA approved disinfectants and cleaners that kill COVID, FLU, H1N1.
- Clinical surfaces are either barrier protected or disinfected with a hospital grade disinfectant and changed with every patient.
- Providing resources for patients to perform hand hygiene as they come into our office and before they leave.
- Asking our patients to wear a mask or face cover when they come into our office.
- Hospital grade keyboards that are disinfected after every patient.
- We have installed Air Scrubbers in our HVAC (Heating and Ventilation Air Conditioning) which use germicidal UV light waves to attack germs. Not only does this device scrub air, it purifies it.
- We have installed True-HEPA filters in every single room. This is a filtration technology used by hospitals. HEPA filtration traps particles and circulates the air. It is a four-stage filtration air purifier.
- UV-C Ionizing lights that sterilize rooms. This light kills surface germs on walls, chairs. Everything that is exposed to the light.
- Our dental unit water quality exceeds Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulatory standards for drinking water. In fact, we test our water quarterly. Our results show 0 bacteria in every one of our chairs.
- We are screening our patients 48 hours before their visit and in our office. Asking them to stay home if they are symptomatic or with sick family members.
- We are screening our staff daily. Checking their temperature twice per day.
- Providing resources for patients to perform hand hygiene in or near waiting areas and throughout the office and asking them to wear a mask in the office.
- Routine maintenance for sterilization equipment is performed according to manufacturer instructions and is documented by written maintenance records.
- For Instrument sterilization, we follow policies and procedures to ensure they are cleaned and reprocessed appropriately. We use a closed cassette system.
- Our staff will be wearing PPE that is at the standard of Health Care Providers that are treating COVID-19 patients. (Gowns, Face Shields or Eye Glasses with side shields, Masks, gloves)
- We use UV-C ionizing lights that sterilize our rooms.
Your safety is a top priority for us. You are safe at Desert Ridge Pediatric Dentistry.
We love to love you!